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Writer's pictureTrevor Matrixbreaker

Who Is Rob Painter? Do You Know?

Do you know who Rob Painter is?

Well let's take a look. Shall we?


Rob actively advises and invests in early-stage, venture-backed companies in Silicon Valley, the Rocky Mountain region, and the Mid-Atlantic. Prior, Rob was a Business Product Manager for Google focused on supporting and providing technologies (geospatial, collaboration, etc.) for global Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response activities. Rob was also Chief Technologist and Senior Manager for Google Federal focused on evangelizing and implementing Google Enterprise solutions for a host of users across the Intelligence and Defense Communities, Homeland Security, and many others. Rob's work history includes several senior advisory roles supporting strategic, tactical, and operational objectives within numerous federal government, defense, and law enforcement organizations. He has held leadership roles at Raytheon-Blackbird Technologies, Northrop-Grumman/TASC, Lockheed-Martin, Harris Corporation, and Ohio University. Prior to joining Google, Rob was the Director of Technology Assessment at In-Q-Tel, the strategic private equity firm of the US Intelligence Community. Rob was lead on several successful venture investments to include Keyhole (Google Earth) and Last Software (Google SketchUp), both that were later acquired by Google. In addition, Rob's entrepreneurial experience includes launching Encompass Technologies, Inc., a K-12 desktop mapping company created to infuse geography into the classroom. Rob is an Army veteran, serving for more than a decade within the special operations, SMU, and combat engineer divisions.

What is In-Q-Tel?

In-Q-Tel is basically the software acquisiton arm of the Central Intelligence Agency

If you look up "In-Q-Tel" on Wikipedia, you will notice that the description is different than what I'm showing above. The above screenshot was taken in 2017. The wikipedia page has since been updated and the description has been changed.

What Type of Companies Does In-Q-Tel Own?

The below list does not include any black-budget "secret" companies

They've Bought SOFTWARE "Toys"

S O F T W A R E C O M P A N I E S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

They've Bought ELECTRONICS "Toys"

E L E C T R O N I C C O M P A N I E S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

They've Bought VIDEO "Toys"

V I D E O C O M P A N I E S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

They've Bought BIOTECH "Toys"

B I O T E C H C O M P A N I E S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

Why the fuck does the CIA need Biotech??? Hmmmmmmmm.

They've Bought ELECTRICITY "Toys"

E L E C T R I C I T Y C O M P A N I E S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

They've Bought HARDWARE "Toys"

H A R D W A R E C O M P A N I E S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

They've Bought SENSOR Networks

S E N S O R N E T W O R K S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

They've Bought INFORMATION SECURITY Companies

I N F O S E C U R I T Y C O M P A N I E S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

They've Bought DATA CENTERS

D A T A C E N T E R S O W N E D B Y I N - Q - T E L

Now, all of these companies might be "legal," but...

Is It I Illegal When They Start Selling Their Acquisitions To GOOGLE??

How About When Google Hires In-Q-Tel's Director For Technology Assessment??

What Does The Government Buy From Google That They Need A Sales Manager??

Last Question...

If Keyhole Inc. Was Purchased By The CIA

Then Sold To Google

Then Sold To The Government



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