This is fucking gold right here. People that I know in real life don't want to listen to any of the data I provide that's showing they've been scammed. They don't want to fucking listen to any of the things that I say when speaking with knowledge gained from analyzing fact based data. They don't want to listen to anything in general except people who lie straight to their face and help keep their illusion alive. So this shit right here... is PERFECT!
Why is it perfect? Because everybody trust firefighters. I don't know why, but they do. So here you go.. take it from a 30+ year vet who put his reputation on the line and potentially his job on the line to speak out.
Wake the fuck up you fearful denialists! Or die.
Those are your choices. I commend this brave soul for speaking out when it matters the most. Did I mention that he's a firefighter? I think i did. Just remember, you have to fucking trust him now... because he's a firefighter.
And don't forget... Wake The Fuck Up You Fearful DENIALISTS! Or Suffer The Consequences.